Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

IPL in Mount Juliet, TN

Are you tired of envying those with radiant, even-toned complexions and glowing skin?

It's time to stop envying and start transforming your skin with the help of our IPL laser and vascular laser treatments in Mount Juliet, TN. At West Wilson Aesthetics, our dedicated team of aesthetic medical professionals utilize cutting-edge technology to address concerns such as redness, pigmentation issues, and more. Say goodbye to skin insecurities and hello to a rejuvenated, beautiful complexion with our advanced IPL treatment options.

What is it?
IPL, which stands for intense pulsed light, is a treatment that delivers powerful light energy in quick pulses. While it is commonly referred to as a laser, it is technically different, which makes the IPL a gentler and more versatile option compared to laser treatments.
What does it treat?
IPL can be used to treat a number of concerns including but not limited to:
  • Age spots
  • Rosacea
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Birthmarks
  • Freckles
    What can you expect?
    The sensation felt during IPL is that of heat and is likened to a rubber band being snapped on the skin's surface.
    How-to prepare
    One month prior

    Avoid sun exposure or tanning (including self tanning creams) and discontinue use of Retinol, tretinoin, alpha hydroxy acids, and any skin exfoliating products

    Day of

    Just prior to treatment, remove all makeup, lotions, deodorant or oil from the area to be treated.

    No jewelry.

    Expected downtime
    You can resume normal activities. Your skin may feel tight and have a sunburn feeling for up to a few hours after the treatment.
    Post-Treatment Dos:

    Apply ice in 10 minute increments the rest of the day.

    Wear SPF 30+ daily and reapply.

    Post-Treatment Donts:

    Apply hot water to the skin.

    Use harsh ingredients on the skin like retinols and exfoliants.

    Pick or scratch at your skin.

    IPL Results

    How long until you see results?

    Some clients might see initial improvements within 3 to 10 days, however most people will see extensive desired changes within 1 to 3 months.

    How long do results last?

    Results are semi-permanent and do need maintenance. Maintenance timelines can vary per the individual's sun exposure but most clients do maintenance once a year.


    1 - 30 UNITS
    per unit
    30+ UNITS
    per unit

    Commonly Paired With

    Depending on which area you are treating, IPL can be paired with other lasers, microneedling, Botox, and more to treat sun damage, unwanted scars, dark spots, rosacea, and more.

    It's best to speak to your medically trained professional at West Wilson Aesthetics to determine the most effective treatment plan for your skin concerns.