Regenerate Your Hair Growth

Hair Restoration With PRP Injections

Are you losing hair faster than you would like? 

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) or "liquid gold" is utilized in many facets of medicine, including hair growth, to promote rejuvenation and healing. Platelets are known to release a variety of growth factors that respond to tissue injury, where they initiate and promote healing.

What is it?
PRP non-surgical hair restoration consists of the application of your own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) topically and by injection into the area of thinning hair to stimulate new hair growth and improve health and texture of existing hair.
What does it treat?
While used for a number of treatments, PRP is most commonly used for:
  • Hair restoration
  • Skin rejuvenation
What can you expect?
A simple blood draw is required to obtain the PRP. You might feel some discomfort at the time of injection.
How-to prepare
One week prior

Avoid sun exposure or tanning (including self tanning creams)

24 hours prior

Eat a low fat diet.
Avoid using any blood-thinners.

Day of

Just prior to treatment, remove all makeup, lotions, deodorant or oil from the area to be treated.

Expected downtime
You should expect mild pain and irritation within 24 to 48 hours following the PRP injection.Mild redness and swelling may occur.
Post-Treatment Dos:

Apply a soothing serum or moisturizer.

Post-Treatment Donts:

Avoid strenuous exercise and alcohol for 24 hours. Avoid excessive sun exposure and heat for a few days.

Hair Restoration Results

How long until you see results?

Visible improvements from PRP injections can often be seen within a few weeks, but the full benefits of enhanced collagen production and tissue regeneration may take a 3-6 months to fully manifest.

How long do results last?

Results are semi-permanent and do need maintenance. Maintenance timelines can vary per the individual but most clients do maintenance once a year.